#Article (Archive)

The summer holiday

Jun 23, 2010, 11:49 AM

Year round education is a school year calendar, formatted to more closely match the continuous learning patterns of children. The school year is balanced into three equal terms with students getting a longer summer vacation and going back to school in around September, a two-week holiday for Christmas and Easter.

With the year round education track, children receive the same education as those on the traditional track. A multi-disciplinary approach to the core subjects, a variety of engaging programmes, and a special timetable allow for both tracks of students to learn, achieve and grow together.

In determining whether or not year round education is the best choice for your child, consider the following questions: Are you worried about your child losing interest? Is your child forgetting some of their academic skills over the summer months? Is your child bored and ready to go back to school in September or would you like family time and holidays during non-peak holiday seasons?

Some of the benefits your child may get from this calendar are that it improves child behaviour, attendance and attitudes that eliminate the idleness of the two-month holiday.

It also helps improve the school climate, reduces summer learning loss, time spent in getting ready to learn and time spent in readjusting to the school routine, etc thus decreases absenteeism and improves performance, especially for English as a Second Language students.

As schools are about to close for the summer, it is important that parents take their rightful positions in ensuring that their children make maximum use of the holidays, rather than engage in unfruitful things that may lead them to idleness. For many students this period is a time for all day partying by going to the beaches and visiting friends.

For instance, in several homes nowadays young girls have started plating their hairs in the form of Rasta while their parents watch them and kept mute.