Girl Generation (TGG) recently trained journalists on social change
communication of the misconceptions about FGM, at the Baobab Hotel and Resort,
in Bijilo.
training was geared towards educating journalists on social change on the issue
of Female Genital Mutilation and the misconceptions about it as they are the
information disseminators of society.
has since 2014 been supporting organisations in the country.
to Haddy Jonga, Programme Officer of TGG, the Girl Generation is working
towards galvanizing or amplifying the Africa led movement to end FGM in a
are trying to build a critical mass of people who will contribute towards
ending FGM in a generation,” she said.
said the law against FGM was just one step taken in achieving their goals but
they have a hundred more steps to take.
“We provide the information and we try to see
how best we can convince the people but we cannot force people to believe what
we are trying to sell,” she added.
speaking, Musu Bakoto Sawo, revealed that one of their main visions was to see
that girls in Africa and beyond live a meaningful and healthy life.
have been operating in ten different focal countries such The Gambia, Bukina
Faso, Mali, Senegal, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt, Kenya and Somali Land
with programme officers in all these countries doing the work of The Girl
said since last year December, several organisations have benefited from these
grants and currently they are finalizing the shortlisted grantees under the end
FGM grant, all geared towards ensuring that the ‘end FGM’ campaign was
stressed that FGM is a key focal area for concentration that also looks at
other traditional harmful practices and other forms of gender based violence,
especially those that are relevant to women.
TGG officer explained that they use community dialogues by going into the communities
in the country to encourage young people to go into their various communities
and be the champions of change, especially when it comes to ending FGM.