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Sun Beach Tour Guides Holds Cleansing Exercise

Mar 26, 2008, 8:03 AM | Article By: By Baboucarr Senghore

Members of the Sun Beach Tour Guides, led by Mr. Basiru Gassama Security Manager of the Sun Beach Hotel, recently embarked on a massive cleansing exercise (Set-Setal). They also painted the entire complex of BakauLowerBasicSchool.

The exercise, which lasted for almost six hours, saw the entire school complex both front and back being cleaned and painted all over by members of the Sun Beach tour guides group.

In an interview with The Point shortly after the exercise, Mr. Basiru Gassama noted that operation clean the nation is not a political activity but about nation building irrespective of our party affiliation.

According to Mr. Gassama, it is hazardous for school children, who he described as the future leaders of tomorrow, to learn in an environment that is been used as a dumping ground.

He went on to commend the Lord Mayor of the Kanifing Municipal Council Mr. Yankuba Colley for the rapid respond by the municipality to clear the huge rubbish tip that was behind the school for quite a long time.

As explained by Mr. Gassama, good health care, being the number one priority of President Jammeh, needs to be maintained at all times, adding a healthy nation is a wealthy nation.

He also used the occasion to applaud the management of SunBeach and its tour guides for undertaking the bold initiative of cleaning the school so as to enable children learn in a conducive environment.

Mr. Gassama however appealed to the general public most especially the shopkeepers to always keep the area clean. He also expressed his disappointment at the condition at the Bakau football field which he says has turned into a dumping ground.

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