Bubacarr Dibba, a Swedish born Gambian who owns and manages Blacka Production, a subsidiary of Lambia Media and leading production centre, has told PointEntertainment of his ambition to help and contribute his quota towards the development of the Gambian music industry by producing quality and digital recording and video clips for artistes and non-artistes.
Dibba, who spent his entirely life studying music and production at College in Sweden, was speaking recently in an interview with the PointEntertainment at his studio located in the heart of the Kanifing Community Market at Kanifing Estate. He says he wants to take Gambian music to higher heights.
"Well, actually, the studio name is not Blacka Production; the name is Lambai Ink, and Blaka production is a subsidiary of Lambai Media. We do photocopying, printing, production, graphic designing, video making, photography," he noted.
According to Dibba, his music studio produces albums for artistes and he is currently working on releasing an album for Keshla and Vibepa.
Dibba, who completed his education at Malmoe in Sweden 2005, said it was in 2006 they got their musical studio in Malmoe called Stella Music, where he worked for years, adding that the proceeds he got at Stella Music in Sweden was what he came back with to The Gambia to invest in his studio operations.
"So when I got some profits I decided to come to The Gambia to contribute my quota towards the development of music in The Gambia. I am contributing my part towards national development by producing music. Right now we are at amateur level and we are trying to upgrade ourselves," he said.
"Music right now in The Gambia is very dull because we don’t have the right equipment and the right education. In The Gambia we have few professional studios and production centre compared with other countries. Many of them are not qualified to produce albums but Mix Tape."
Dibba also said they need copyrights laws and agencies that would protect the copy right of artistes, adding that an high school graduate cannot call himself a producer and one needs the required skills and know-how in order to be a professional producer and artiste.
He said further that one needs to go to college or universities in order to become a professional in his or her music career, saying he studies music and production for three years at the Music College in Malmoe Sweden.
He says he would like to open a big and up-to-standard studio in The Gambia in future, all gears towards providing quality recording and producing in The Gambia.
The Gambia needs professional studios with foreign contracts that can market Gambian artistes, he says, calling on people to invest more in the music industry.
"The Gambia has fresh talented youths who can do more in music, but due to lack of finance their work is being hindered," he said.
He urges his colleagues to ensure they produce quality music and albums and "see what the future holds" for them.