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Helping the Immigration in their work

Jan 17, 2013, 10:09 AM

The Gambia Immigration Department over the years has been praised for the good service in executing their national mandate.

However, some of the challenges facing their work include the attitude of some Gambians, who stay with the foreigners in compounds.

We are not saying foreigners should be harassed, but we want to emphasise that every foreigner in our country must comply with our immigration laws - such as payment of residence permit, work permit, alien’s card or whatever the immigration regulations require.

We, therefore, call on all Gambians, especially the landlords, to cooperate with the Immigration officers to help ensure compliance by their tenants who are foreigners.

While we are not against the foreigners in country, it is important to note that since Gambians abroad do comply with the immigration laws of their host countries, non-Gambians resident in the country must also do so.

Since we have now entered the New Year, we are urging all foreigners resident in the country to renew their status, and to fully cooperate with the immigration officers in doing their work.

We are also urging landlords to report any suspected bad dealings in their rented premises to the police, in the interest of national security and development.

Our immigration officials have complained many a time of the low level of cooperation from many locals. Such attitudes must stop!

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