Wednesday Issue, 13 July 2016
reaffirm China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in
the South China Sea, enhance cooperation in the South China Sea with other
countries, and uphold peace and stability in the South China Sea, the
Government of the People’s Republic of China hereby states as follows:
Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands) consist of Dongsha Qundao (the
Dongsha Islands), Xisha Qundao (the Xisha Islands), Zhongsha Qundao (the
Zhongsha Islands) and Nansha Qundao (the Nansha Islands). The activities of the
Chinese people in the South China Sea date back to over 2,000 years ago. China
is the first to have discovered, named, and explored and exploited Nanhai
Zhudao and relevant waters, and the first to have exercised sovereignty and
jurisdiction over them continuously, peacefully and effectively, thus
establishing territorial sovereignty and relevant rights and interests in the
South China Sea.
the end of the Second World War, China recovered and resumed the exercise of
sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao which had been illegally occupied by Japan
during its war of aggression against China. To strengthen the administration
over Nanhai Zhudao, the Chinese government in 1947 reviewed and updated the
geographical names of Nanhai Zhudao, compiled Nan Hai Zhu Dao Di Li Zhi Lüe (A
Brief Account of the Geography of the South China Sea Islands), and drew Nan
Hai Zhu Dao Wei Zhi Tu (Location Map of the South China Sea Islands) on which
the dotted line is marked. This map was officially published and made known to
the world by the Chinese government in February 1948.
its founding on 1 October 1949, the People’s Republic of China has been firm in
upholding China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in
the South China Sea. A series of legal instruments, such as the 1958
Declaration of the Government of the People’s Republic of China on China’s
Territorial Sea, the 1992 Law of the People’s Republic of China on the
Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, the 1998 Law of the People’s Republic
of China on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf and the 1996
Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the
People’s Republic of China on the Ratification of the United Nations Convention
on the Law of the Sea, have further reaffirmed China’s territorial sovereignty
and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea.
on the practice of the Chinese people and the Chinese government in the long
course of history and the position consistently upheld by successive Chinese
governments, and in accordance with national law and international law,
including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, China has
territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China
Sea, including, inter alia:
China has sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao, consisting of Dongsha Qundao, Xisha
Qundao, Zhongsha Qundao and Nansha Qundao;
China has internal waters, territorial sea and contiguous zone, based on Nanhai
China has exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, based on Nanhai
China has historic rights in the South China Sea.
above positions are consistent with relevant international law and practice.
is always firmly opposed to the invasion and illegal occupation by certain
states of some islands and reefs of China’s Nansha Qundao, and activities
infringing upon China’s rights and interests in relevant maritime areas under
China’s jurisdiction. China stands ready to continue to resolve the relevant
disputes peacefully through negotiation and consultation with the states
directly concerned on the basis of respecting historical facts and in
accordance with international law. Pending final settlement, China is also
ready to make every effort with the states directly concerned to enter into
provisional arrangements of a practical nature, including joint development in
relevant maritime areas, in order to achieve win-win results and jointly
maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.
respects and upholds the freedom of navigation and overflight enjoyed by all
states under international law in the South China Sea, and stays ready to work
with other coastal states and the international community to ensure the safety
of and the unimpeded access to the international shipping lanes in the South China