Saint Francis Senior Secondary School at Kungkujang Mariama, in a Kombo village have continued to produce superb future leaders not only in getting excellent results amidst difficulties but continues to inculcate sound moral principles and good behavioral pattern that would lead the children into a well disciplined leaders in society in the near future. The Guest speaker of the Speech and Prize Giving, spoke on 'Success and Humility' to increase children's awareness on humility. Read on and see what Society and Development anchor man found out.
The principal and staff of Saint Senior Secondary School invited several distinguished ladies and gentlemen to witness their 8th annual ceremony.
Fr. Peter Gomez the Parish priest of Kunkungjang Mariama, Rt. Rev. Robert Ellison CSSp, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jammeh, whose daughter received the
"over all best student award" among last year's batch, and many others were present.
Sang S. Gomez principal of the school talked about the start of the academic year, and when classes started for the Grades 11 and 12.
"In October 2009, 105 students were enrolled in Grade 10 bringing the total student roll to 224 with 88 girls and 136 boys," he said.
Talking about the school's academic performance, he praised his teachers for their continued dedication in ensuring improvement in students' exam results."
"We continue to hold extra classes, especially in Mathematics and English Language, compulsory subjects that determine students' promotion to another class."
Sang Gomez said out of the 62 students registered for the WASSC Examination, one student had eight credits and four obtained six credits, showing an improvement over the previous year's results.
"The result in English stands out as the best in the past seven years. We expect this year's result to the best considering the effort put in. We shall continue to motivate students, as could be seen today", he added.
Agriculture, the principal said, brings in money and also helps the students acquire the practical knowledge. He said they still face challenges.
The John Paul Foundation, he said, has helped in fencing an area of 350 by 350, which would be used for horticulture and planting of fruit trees. The project also involves the provision of irrigation pumps.
"We would continue to request because we have 800m by 350m to fence, and secure the place".
He further said that the school excelled in sports. "One Gabriel Gomez donated 22 trophies, and assisted with iron bars for goal posts. We are striving for a basketball court," he added.
"The world outside is like a deep ocean where one needs to acquire skills of swimming before one gets into the water. We have given you some of these skills, you will have to work hard to acquire the rest," Mr. Gomez told the passing out students.
Dominic Mendy, was the Guest Speaker. He was described as "an individual of an admirable level of overall life success that is personified in humility and that which can be harnessed for the transformation of the younger generation"
"My topic is 'Success and Humility'. These are two adjectives or social behavioral variables, each with the capacity to stand on its own, are also probably influential of each other."
"In the manner in which they describe how man manifests himself, as he coexists within his community and people. The two words as couched, seem to be independent of each other," he added.
Mr. Mendy defined success, saying it is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose, such as the attainment of fame, wealth or social status ascribed to a thing or person. Success is, therefore, an outcome of an undertaking, which can either be good or bad. "For success to evolve, it must have an aim, which must have been deliberately well-thought out and used as the road map or compass to guide the process of achieving that aim."
"These strategies remain wishes until actions or undertakings have been embarked upon and incrementally over time, cumulative results start to define the predetermined objective or aim, which when subjected to measurement and evaluation, state the level of success or otherwise that one has achieved."
"Adopt a critical approach to everything you do and take the necessary risks for self and social development, but should be based on a well thought aims and objectives," he said.
Mr. Mendy said the only way to achieve success is by working hard. "It is the only approach to achieving success. It has been established that where one goes depends significantly on his or her knowledge of where he or she comes from. I enjoin you to challenge yourselves optimally intellectually on everything you do," he said.
The guest speaker said aim depends on one's intention. He said wanting to travel to the western world because of one's belief that everything there is fine, may be achieved. But, like all other aims, it comes with its requisite undertakings, risk of death, unemployment and repatriation and displacement. This is an example of an aim, which like all other aims can be the target of one's energy, and be measured for success or failure in the future," he said.
"Therefore, our success will not be measured by how we achieve relative domestic financial advancement by feeding on the global scraps of development, but by how we take charge of our own transformation as a people and a nation," he said.
"The road is rough. Rise and endure and wipe the sweat; you should not give up. The blacks in
For the meaning of "Humility", he said it is the quality of having a humble view of one's own importance. One should, therefore, continue striving to the end.
"The best teacher of success is failure. One needs to continue to strive. Humility and success, he said, are part of the same coin with one influencing the other.
Mr. Mendy urged students to work for success and make it theirs.
As part of the school ceremony, prizes were given to deserving school leavers. Leeza Jammeh received a trophy for being "the most outstanding student" in Art class last year. Margaret Gibba received the award for "the most obedient student".
The graduating students planted a graduation tree.
Meanwhile, the school choir was in attendance, and sang to entertain the gathering.
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