As the current AU chairperson stated, in a statement delivered at the opening of this week’s 4th EU-Africa summit in Brussels, “Africa must be given the policy space for its farmers and industries to compete fairly…I think Africa should create the policy space herself and demand acceptance of this policy by the outside world through tangible effortsin creating alternative markets for our farmer produces and industrial outputs. It’s only through having a choice that you can negotiate confidently from the position of the strong and get the most for your people. Otherwise it is “take it or live it”.
“Africa needs the policy space to determine for itself what needs to be done with its natural and mineral resources, so that the continent can at last break out of the mould of exporter of raw materials, whilst jobs are being created elsewhere…Well formulated but after 50 years of self rule, at least we should be able to add value to natural resources at home and sell them to almost 1 billion Africans in the continent who continue to consume minor imported goods from exported raw materials. Again, create Africa free trade zone and inevitably you will create a demand and supply economic zone, which in turn will inevitably lead to innovative economic zone. Thus raw materials will have another value than their core state. Adding value to raw material is the key to ensuring fair trade between us and the world.
Remember, we also called attention to the call to “Boycott EU-Africa Summit”, caused by what the AU permanent representatives committee (PRC) said, was a violation of an AU resolution by the EU in attempting to determine Africa’s delegation to the summit. Let’s forget about egos! Mr. Mugabe knows the sanction against his wife and though it is acceptable that he fight it out through the AU channel but sabotaging a meeting for his own sake alone is out of steps with international diplomacy.
The EU, according to the AU organ, had barred the leaders of Zimbabwe and Sudan from attending the summit, claiming they were under travel sanctions placed on them by the international community.
The PRC, for its part, said that should only apply in the case of those under AU sanctions! Well that will apply if AU is the sponsor of such a meeting, or perhaps if the meeting is being held in Africa! AU should initiate and sponsor such a meeting in Africa next time and insist that Mugabe attend.
Then the EU invited Egypt, which is under AU sanctions for Morsi’s coup, and also invited Morocco, which withdrew from the continental body in 1984, over the Western Sahara issue. A local media here in Europe insist that this meeting is EU and Africa meeting not EU-AU meeting. Hence EU is free to invite all African countries and is not obliged to abide by AU sanctions.
Now we have, in this edition, the complaint of double standards again being applied by the Europeans, as highlighted in our story about the ACP Parliament regretting the application of ‘double standards’. Europe or the west’s mode operandi is flexibility. Africa is yet to come to terms with such a dynamic interest driven behavior. We see that as double standards and EU partners see that as real politics. “We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.” Lord Palmerston
Interesting events and times, and very interesting issues indeed! Yes I agree and we must adapt to it rather quickly.
It all meant to inform and educate our readers, and we hope they become wiser about the real world, when they read our publication. Thank you for the Priceless analysis of Africa’s place in the world today. As the fate of Africa as whole will inevitably determine Gambias progress or stagnancy.
“Do as i say but don’t do as i do”monetary dependence generates such handling!
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Apr 30, 2008, 7:37 AM