Millions of people around the world share their valuable time, talents, skills and resources with others through volunteerism.
On this International Volunteer Day, we recognize all those Gambians and non Gambians alike sharing their skills and knowledge with others at no cost.
In The Gambia, volunterism is becoming a well-known phenomenon either in our local communities or in the towns.
Both local and international volunteers could be found doing their best, be it as a teacher, health worker, agriculture assistant, project volunteers, etc.
Their intervention helps communities inprove their living standard through initating of new small-scale projects and boosting their existing ones.
While some of our volunteers focus on education and health many are also now building interest in climate change adaptation and poverty reduction, peace building, justice and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
As we mark this great day today, we must recognize the dedication of volunteers, their commendable service, and their efforts to promote the attaininment of the MDGs.
Our volunteers are helping to advance sustainable development and peace.
We, therefore, salute all volunteers in the country, and encourage all organizations and individuals to consider doing voluntary work.
It may not necessarily be big, but perharps tree plantings, street cleaning, providing free medical care to the sick, showing students how to nurture nursery beds etc. are all esentail volunterism ventures.
The act of selflessly giving your life to something you believe, free of charge, is worthy of experiencing.
Volunteers are great men and women serving their communities or other communities other than their own.
We must appreciate and cherish them for their sacrifice.