The latest report issued by the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has revealed that the total number of people affected by floods, as at last Saturday, stands at 21,194.
The two-page report, presented to the Vice President and Chairperson of the National Disaster Governing Council, H.E. Isatou Njie-Saidy, on Sunday, gave a detailed catalogue of the people affected by the flood waters across the country.
According to the report, the number of people affected by the floods in the Lower River Region stands at 3,570, Western Region 4,969, Kanifing Municipality 5,811, Banjul 802, Upper River Region 2,706, Central River Region 1,596, and the North Bank Region 1,740.
The report, however, added that a detailed assessment of the affected victims "is ongoing, and the figures could rise significantly in the aftermath of the series of floods and windstorm experienced throughout the country on 10 and 11 September 2010 and beyond".
The report also indicated that out of the ten million dalasis provided by President Yahya Jammeh towards the national relief and rehabilitation efforts, five million dalasis was used to provide 4,411 bags of rice and 2,920 (20-litre) gallons of oil at a cost of D4, 999,680. "This, the report went on, "is currently being distributed to affected victims across the country."
The report also indicated that the other D5 million was also used to address damage to social infrastructure, community drainage systems and waterways.
It further revealed that the NDMA has provided D447, 750 for rice, sugar, oil and sanitary items as a buffer stock to address possible increases.
The NDMA, according to the report, also provided D150,000 for logistics in the transportation of relief items provided by President Jammeh, and an additional 400 boxes of mutton in tins and 50 aqua boxes donated by the Muslim Aid UK's Field Office in The Gambia.