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Online Education (E-Learning) launched in The Gambia

Mar 22, 2011, 12:45 PM

Gabriel Latjor Ndow, a Science and Technology Consultant and University lecturer, has launched an E-learning programme as a pilot science education research project. 

The online educational programme was started in November 2010. According to Mr Ndow, the ongoing effort in The Gambia to leverage ICT as a tool for learning from several quarters hinges on the fact that there are capacity gaps in areas such as resource materials, adequate number of textbooks, teaching materials, and subject experts. 

In addition, lecturers may not have enough time in the classroom to encourage learning through interaction (most are overwhelmed) with the students, thus unable to effectively assess their students.   

The initial results, he said, are quite promising. "There are many lessons to learn from this experience as it will help future implementers of E-Learning platforms in The Gambia on some of the pitfalls and best methods to ensure a successful and rich learning experience for the learners," Mr Ndow said.

The use of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to supplement the face-to-face classroom learning will certainly improve the quality of students learning. It gives educators the tools to manage and promote learning.

"In addition, lecturers can use it as their platform to augment face-to-face courses (known as blended learning)," he said. "The use of the activity modules (such as forums, databases and wikis) is to build rich collaborative communities of learning around subject matter. It is also an effective way to deliver content to students and assess learning using assignments or quizzes."

The pilot courses online are Calculus, Fundamentals of Physics, Electromagnetic Theory I and II, and Web Programming I. These courses are done by students ranging from 1st to 4th year university students.

The project is hosted on this website: edu.gambian.com. More than 100 university students are enrolled in this pilot programme. For more information, contact Gabriel Latjor Ndow, E-Mail: glndow2@gmail.com , Mob: 7032795.