The items were transported and presented to the NBR officials by Norga CEO Ba Jabbi and Operations Director Louis Mendy.
The ceremony was attended by both the presidents of the Regional Sports Committee Lamin Jawaraand the Regional Football Association president Momdou Mbissan.
Both expressed deep appreciations to Norga for the big gesture describing it as timely, as it came during the second round of their third division regional championship competed eight villages in the region.
“No single team has the adequate financial muscle to stand on its ownsothe materials would be judiciously shared so that even the least strong teamsbenefit, so thatthey will be motivated to keep on,’’Jawara said.
In a short response Ba Jabbi informed the gathering that Norga is committed to supporting grassroots sport as a way of contributing to national development.
“The founder of Norga, Mamadi Ceesay, is ever happy to be associated with this kind of grassroots sports development,’’ Jabbi said.
The next distribution point will be Upper River region.