Presenting the annual activity report and financial statement before deputies, NAWEC Managing Director Ebrima Sanyang said NAWEC entered 2014 with “hope, commitment and enthusiasm” to build on the achievements and gains registered over the years.
He said the year 2014 saw the commissioning of major water and electricity projects, to boost the supply of water and electricity in the country.
The company in 2014 strengthened its maintenance culture, loss reduction programmes, product development and other utilities, which significantly improved operations and delivery of services to their customers, he said.
The year also witnessed phenomenal efforts in improving the energy mix through renewable energy, which was manifested through their partnership with GEF/UNIDO for the Kaur solar project and other development partners.
In a related development, he continued, the sub-regional initiative through the OMVG “is also in advanced stage, which are all geared towards obtaining cheaper and more reliable sources of electricity.”
He said like many developing countries, affordable and reliable electricity continues to be a challenge, under the unprecedented demand for electricity due to rapid development.
The operations of NAWEC are challenged by a period when global economic recovery is threatened by multiple problems, including terrorism, social unrest and civil war in the Middle East, whilst North Africa has continued to pose challenges.
However, he said, there was light at the end of the tunnel approaching 2015, as “fuel prices are heading downwards.”
The NAWEC managing director further said that in realising the importance of water and energy in socio-economic development, NAWEC and the government “have made significant efforts”.
He said that in 2014 to ensure the provision of secured and reliable supplies of water and electricity, as well as to overcome the problem of the past, NAWEC with support from the Gambia government had adopted a strategy which “focuses on a reliable, affordable and continuously expansion of water and power system”, in collaboration with the government.
“We are seeking ways and means of bridging the demand-supply gap,” he said, adding that in 2014 power stations in the provinces (rural) became “more stable”.
He also said vigorous efforts are being made to meet increasing demand and ever expanding services in new technological innovations.
“NAWEC is obliged to continue to build on human capital, both in terms of numbers and skills development,” he added.
NAWEC is expected to report back to the National Assembly on Monday, for the consideration of their annual activity report and audited financial statement.