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National Cricket Team Warm-up For World Cricket League Division Three Ranking Tournament

Aug 28, 2009, 7:35 AM | Article By: Sainabou Kujabi

A twenty-five-man squad of the Senior National Cricket side is set to make another international appearance in October.

The squad, guided by Coach Malamin Fofana, alias Faraba is currently engaged in an intensive training session at the July 22nd Square, including weekly trial matches at the MRC grounds.

The International Cricket Council World Cricket League Division Three ranking tournament, set for October 1st to 7th 2009, will take place in Malawi.

The National Cricket side will be battling along side five other teams in Malawi, Rwanda, Lesotho, Sierra Leone and Morocco for the only available two places to proceed to Division Two.

Johnny Gomez, the President of the Gambia Cricket Association yesterday told Pointsport that the Gambia national side must qualify to Division Two in order to better the country's rankings.

"The more the team performs it will make a positive impact on the country's development funding. In order to make the trip a success, I am appealing for support from institutions, individuals and the private sector," the cricket boss concluded.

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