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'My son threatens to kill me,' says mother

Jun 22, 2010, 1:56 PM | Article By: Dawda Faye

One Fatou Njie of Bundung on Monday told the Kanifing Magistrates' Court that her son, one Abou Jallow, threatened to kill her.

Testifying against her son, Mrs. Njie adduced that Abou had told her that, if she did not let him travel, he would kill her. She told the court that she was taking her lunch recently, when the accused approached her and told her that he wanted to travel, but did not tell her where.

She testified that she informed her husband, who advised her to take him (Abou) to the psychiatric wing of the hospital for examination.

She further narrated that she went to the Serrekunda Police Station, where she made a complaint, and spent the night there, fearing that her son would kill her.

Mrs. Njie informed the court that when the police came for Abou, he ran away.

She further adduced that, later her son was heard making noise outside the family compound, and that a soldier helped to have him arrested at around 5am.

The court was also told that Abou took a cutlass, and threatened to kill her.

The said cutlass was shown to her, which she identified, and the prosecuting police officer, Yaya Colley, applied to tender the cutlass as an exhibit. His application was granted by the trial magistrate.

Magistarte Drammeh then gave an order for the accused person to be medically examined.

According to the charge sheet, Abou Jallow, the accused, on or about 7th June 2010, at Bundung in the Kanifing Municipality with intent to intimidate, insult, and annoy threatened to strike his mother with a cutlass, which he knew is an offence. Abou Jallow pleaded not guilty to the charge.

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