#Article (Archive)

Much Needed Relief for Commuters?

Jul 24, 2008, 4:22 AM

Commuters and schoolchildren will have been delighted to read about the inauguration of the new bus company Unique Transport Company (UTSCO). Transport has long been a serious problem for many people travelling to and from work and school with dreadful stories of crushes at garages and minor injuries. According to information gathered, school children can pay as low as D185 as their monthly fares. Other commuters will pay less than what the normal taxi charge. This kind of competition in the market will be music to the ears of commuters who have also long complained about the cost of transport. When commuters and schoolchildren board these new buses they must ensure that they endeavour to keep them clean and tidy to ensure the longevity of the fleet. On this issue the government must address the issue of poor road surfaces. Many drivers have suffered damage to their vehicles because of bad roads and a poor surface adversely affects the vehicle and the amount of time that it can serve its owner or the public.

During his address President Jammeh Commented on the price hike of transport fares in the country. He made it clear that he would not tolerate anybody who takes Gambians for granted. He also used the opportunity to warn the business community to be reasonable in the prices of basic commodities or otherwise he would very soon intervene in that sector in the interests of the Gambian people. What this intervention would be he did not specify but it is good to know that the government is aware of the extreme pressure that many people are under at the moment because of the spiralling costs of basic commodities.

We sincerely hope that the new company is a success and that the commuters and schoolchildren of The Gambia benefit from the service. It will at least be one less worry for people as they struggle to make ends meet. If this business is viable for a private company to run then it must beg the question as to why it would not be the same for The Gambia Public Transport Corporation?

"To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour."

Robert Louis Stevenson