#Article (Archive)

Mobile thief gets mandatory sentence

Jul 30, 2010, 2:59 PM | Article By: Yusuf Ceesay

Principal Magistrate Fatou Drammeh of the Kanifing Magistrates' Court recently convicted and sentenced one Alsana Sey to three months in prison upon his own plea of guilt for the offence of theft.

According to the charge sheet, Alsana Sey, on 20th July 2010 at Serrekunda, stole two mobile phones marked Alkatel and Skip valued at D2, 500 and D4, 000 respectively, belonging to one Kojo Ninson.

The convict in his plea of mitigation asked the court to exercise justice with mercy, adding that he regrets what he had done and promised that such action will not be repeated.

In passing sentence, the magistrate told the court that mobile theft is on the increase, and revealed that the convict was not a first-time offender.

Police prosecutor 3084 Ceesay represented the Inspector General of Police.

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