There are poor yields of agricultural produce, dryness of agricultural lands as a result of drought in different parts of the world and we are expecting to encounter more severe challenges or disasters of the climate impacts as predicted by scientists but yet we are not taking maximum consideration. This is having a proportional effect on the global economy, food shortage and health.
What is so unfortunate is that we are not contributing to the climate change at the same scope, but contributors and all of us will pay for the price equally when further worse consequences start to prevail on our globe.
So many conferences and seminars have been provided in order to come up with solutions to the climate that is changing and is now enough if actually we want to play justice and come to agreements.
Therefore, we all expect that the conference in Paris will be a turning point for this standing issue. It should be noted that we are contributing to the destruction of the planet whose further effects might not spare our lives or our beloved ones and properties.
It is a responsibility of everyone to come to terms during our negotiations in Paris, and we urged governments not to fail this move. As long as we continue debating without coming to terms, due to the consideration of national interests without looking at the global interests, we will all fail at the end of the day and face the consequences.
Therefore, as the globe is crying for its destruction, it is also sending its alarm and has shown the effects which everyone knows about and should be preparing for the prevention of the consequences.
It is high time we put our theories into practices for the common good. If we do not take urgent measures; we will be leading slowly but steadily in creating a bleak future for our future generations.Its solutions all start with the control of the emissions of our greenhouse gases.
Let us develop more of our scientists to produce clean sources of energy that we need while trying to minimize the usage of our pollutants or other greenhouse supporting material such as plastics, nuclear weapons and highly industrialized carbon dioxide emitting products.
We have to strengthen our international laws to put stop to all materials supporting the emission of greenhouse gases. If we are still looking for the millions of dollars that we can gain from energy production, we also need to think about the millions that we are putting under threat due to our impacts on the climate change.
It is never late than done. Youths who are the ones expected to dwell in this planet from the next 25 years onwards, should start the campaign of this menace. Therefore, we should take action in the interest of our future. Our people are about to leave us in a world of misery.
Let us make governments to understand that our future is being threatened and they need to come to agreements with the international community as soon as possible in mitigating climate change and also encourage youth participation in this adventure.
Musa Manneh,
Pamukkale University