The Majority Leader of the National Assembly, Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta, is so impressed with the level of the industriousness of the women-folk of the Upper Baddibu
The majority leader had already presented a generous package of D10,000 as well as a hand-pump to the Alkali Kunda women to aid them in their horticultural activities.
Speaking in an interview with The Point at his National Assembly office on Wednesday, Hon. Jatta pointed out that the enthusiasm and the work ethic that he saw in the women of Alkali Kunda has propelled him into believing that meaningful transformation could be made to the quality of their lives if they receive the requisite help.
"It is easier to help someone who wants to help himself or herself. The women of Alkali Kunda have a garden of over two hectares and is situated 4km from the village," said the majority leader.
" The women are committed and zealous but they lack the necessary help. They cannot sink wells because the earth there is under-laid by rocks, hence they trek 4km away to do their horticultural activities."
The majority leader, who was recently adopted as honorary father by the women of Alkali Kunda and honoured as an honourary citizen of the village, said a tiny help can make a huge difference to the lives of the women of Alkali Kunda.
Accompanied to the village by the APRC Desk Officer for North Bank Region, Hon. Ablie Suku Singhateh, the National Assembly Member for
Before calling on NGOs, likeminded institutions and the Government to support the women of Alkali Kunda in their life-changing venture, the majority leader thanked the women for responding to President Jammeh's 'Back to the Land' clarion call.
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