has been a talk in every corner in The Gambia before, during and after the
election, which The Gambia was never known for.
can contribute to disunity and perpetuate inequality, discrimination and
poverty. Tribalism can also affect access to natural resources in many ways.
all know that tribalism on the other hand develops nepotistic tendencies, as
people belonging to a particular individual pledge their loyalty to that person
in order to get favours in securing patronage or jobs in government and the
private sector.
democracy must prevail and benefit our society, then we revisit our concept of
democracy and understand that while democracy offers freedom, and promise of a
successful nation, it also challenges us to be responsible citizens.
extreme cases, tribalism dehumanises and demonises out groups.
They tend to focus on what psychologists call
the out group homogeneity bias, that is, individuals tend to see members of
their own group as being relatively more varied than members of other groups.
tribalism is positive when the complete allegiance of a collectively nation is
geared towards the collective good in nation building, preserving the group identity as a single
cohesive unit that fosters ethnic solidarity, and seeking new dimensions of
issues is one tradition which I believe will hold Gambia back, and it is time
to begin to think more about our people than thinking about tribes, that is
creating division among Gambians.
is time to push for democracy, human rights, and a good educational system
based on good values and the basic conditions of living.
truth is most of the Gambian population are living below the poverty line. I
believe that should be a concern rather than developing tribalism.
should stick to what Gambia is known for, that is, the love, unity, harmony,
hospitality within ourselves, both in The Gambia and outside The Gambia. We
should not bring or adopt what we are not known for, and tribalism brings
nothing, but conflict and hatred.
certainly will put us into practicing nepotism, and nepotism is a form of
discrimination in which family members and friends might have some differences.
some of the posts on social media, one Kemo Bojang put up on his wall “Forget
about your ethnic group, it’s just a label. The most important identity is
Gambian,” he said.
Jobe of Manjai said tribalism creates war or conflict in any nation, and
Gambians should be mindful because we are not known for that.
said it is very immature for Gambians to develop tribalism, and that not all but
some are taking it maturely, and ‘am very happy’.
let us say no to tribalism, we are all Gambians; whatsoever our identity is, we
are Gambian!