University Student Christians say
Christian denominations in the University of the
Sang Pierre L. Mendy, the President of the UTG Christian Fellowship welcomed his comrades and said "I encourage all Christian students to register with us today, the continuing students that have never joined this humble fellowship and the incoming students. Come on board, do not be left behind because this is the only opportunity you have in the university to learn and share the word of God, to interact and associate with your colleagues of the same faith."
He asked the group to appreciate the Bible being the key to life, here and hereafter. "In 1844, a deceased citizen gave the city of
Sang Pierre L Mendy further says, "If you never appreciated the "library" you have in your hands please start now. It is not yet late. We at the Christian Fellowship meet each Friday to study from this marvellous 'library." Trying to encourage others to come on board, Sang said, According to Hebrews 11:2-26, "Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called son of Pharoah's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin.' It is unfortunate to have brothers and sisters in this institution who do not desire to identify with the fellow brethren in the Lord, not even once."
He said that the first president of the United States George Washington had said that "it is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible."
And the great educator, Noah Webster in similar thought said, "The Bible must be considered as the great source of all truth by which men are to be guided in government as well as in all social transactions"
The Productive Character
Sang says, "The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could be. (John Grimes) let us aspire to achieve what are supposed to be according to God's gift. Let us explore with zeal to improve. Don't be contented with what you are; aspire to be better.
'Whatever you find yourself doing do it heartily.' (
He acknowledged that Student Senator Paul A. Correa and himself are doing their best and have written letter to the student authorities to ensure that courses are released in due course for Christian students. "We want your cooperation," he said. He said they have included the
Evangelist Moses Jassey the guest speaker said, "No God No Success!" He said education without moral principles leads to the lack of the fear of God. Such individuals are dangerous in society, he said.
The guest speaker the following should be their guiding principles;
1) how to attain wisdom, discipline and a prudent life
2) how to seek justice
3) how to be wise and live according to God's desire
4) how to acquire true knowledge and make it beneficial to you and your society
According to Evg Moses, knowledge is a collection of ideas while education is a process of gathering knowledge. He went further to say that "a University without religious studies is grooming illiterate elites." The graduates will only be very dangerous in the society; they will be destroyers because they lack the moral aspect of education. He was able to quote and explain the following scriptures to back his argument: Proverb 8: 19-21,
Prov 1:1-7, Prov 19:22 and Eccl 12. He defended his argument from scriptures that education starts with God; that God himself was the first Professor who taught His children (Adam and Eve) in garden of Eden; that Jesus too just at 12 was able to teach in a spectacular way so much so that the Sanhedrin, Pharisees and other scribes had to question our Lord's background and where he actually got such knowledge from. He concluded by challenging the gathering to seek God to back our academic pursuit. Otherwise, we would be wasting our time, resources and energy only to come out in vain. Other speakers included Fatima Mendy, the acting Assistant Secretary on behalf of the secretary. She outlined the constraints they face and said it does not only include the lack of courses but also a place where they meet. She talked about their activities and their limitations. The Student Union president Ansumana Darboe was present with other students.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Paul A. Correa.
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