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Janjangbureh Lady Councilor Calls for Unity

Nov 13, 2009, 2:43 PM | Article By: Abdourahman Sallah in CRR

Mrs. Mariama Manneh Njie, the lady councilor in Janjangbureh Town in Central River Region (South) has called on all Janjangbureh women to remain united in the interest of national development.

Mrs. Manneh Njie made these remarks in an exclusive interview with She She She shortly after the conclusion of a day long cleansing exercise in Janjangbureh over the weekend.

According to her, the large turn- out of women participation in the exercise has shown a clear manifestation of women involvement in nation building.

Mrs. Njie noted that there is no doubt that the healthiness and well-being of every individual does not only depend on the type of food one eats, but also on hygienic living environment.

She added that if people are to live happily and healthily, then environmental sanitation should be prioritized and made fit for them to live in a conducive environment.

"We the women in Janjangbureh are in every aspect of development in the area and the region at large in order to achieve meaningful development. We must remain united be focus and developmental oriented," she emphasized.

She further pointed out that Janjangbureh women are productive, working day in and day out in rice production, gardening, petty trading, skill acquisition through which, she added they bring up their families, pay children school fees and other social problems.

This, she added, is all geared towards improving their livelihood, thus participate in the on going fight to attain food security. She asserted that since the inception of operation clean the nation, the prevalence of malaria and other related diseases has drastically reduced.

She assured that since Janjangbureh is the regional administration center of the CRR they will ensure and maintain the clean shape of the place, and hailed president Jammeh for such a wonderful initiative and urged all and sundry to fully support the initiative in the interest of healthy living environment.

She finally used the opportunity to commend the regional environmental inspector, the governor's office Area Council, the chief of the district for their tireless efforts in making the cleansing exercise a reality.

For his part Mr. Lamin Samateh the CRR regional environmental inspector thanked the women in responding to national set settal events.

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