In his address to the National Assembly in Banjul, President Jammeh said the $5 million Western Region Electrification Project funded by ITC/IDB will provide electricity to 53 towns and villages in the West Coast region.
President Jammeh said given that access to adequate, reliable affordable energy is fundamental for the attainment of the objectives of Vision 2020 and Vision 2025, his “Government will continue to intensify on-going efforts to expand the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity across the country for domestic and industrial purposes.”
He said that through the Rural Electrification Extension Project, the national grid is being expanded to cover the whole country.
He added that the Venezuela project, whose first phase has already been completed, would improve transmission and distribution facilities in the Greater Banjul area; and arrangements to start the second phase had also gone far.
Jammeh further stated that the Rural Electrification Extension Project, to be implemented by Mohan Energy, will serve 44 settlements around Farafenni and Basse.
The capital equipment of the project has been acquired and the construction of the power station in Basse is in progress, the President announced.
He also said the Energy Development and Access Expansion Project (EDAEP) is a $6.0 million Loan Project from OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID).
This will extend electricity services to the villages of Bafuloto, Makumbaya, Kubariko, Galoya, Kubune, Kunkujang Jattaya, Mandinaring, Kerewan and Daranka.
He said the contractor, Global Trading Group (GTG), had completed 70% of the work, which is still in progress toward completion.
In addition, President Jammeh said an 11MW Kotu Power Plant Expansion Project is funded by BADEA & OFID for a 24-month period for the installation and commissioning of an 11MW Slow Speed Engine at KPS (Kotu Power Station).
He said the Gambia government and NAWEC have fulfilled all conditions precedent to declare the loan effective.
The Kabada Electrification Project, which “has already been completed”, also entails the installation of transformers to provide electricity services to four villages.
The project, according to the President, includes the extension of the medium voltage from Soma (LRR) and the installations of 3x50KVA transformers for electrification of some villages in the Lower River Region, which includes Sare Musa, Missino Sano, Bajonki and Sambundu in Kabada District. “The project is completed and fully operational,” he said.
Similarly, he noted, the Kaur 60KW Solar Hybrid System at the cost of ($444, 000.00) co-funded by GoG, NAWEC and GEF-UNIDO “will be implemented in 2015.”
The Ministry of Energy with the support of the UNDP is currently finalizing the review of the National Energy Policy Action Plan, President Jammeh said, adding: “This will re-define the sector as well as its objectives and strategies.”
He said further that the documents had been reviewed and validated in December 2014 by stakeholders.
“Furthermore, to complement conventional energy generation, my Government will continue to promote the diversification of other energy sources, particularly solar and wind, which is really available and will ensure availability, affordability and sustainability of energy supply throughout The Gambia in general,” he said.