I start, I just want to say I’m not very good at talking about myself, but I
will try and try my best.
as I sat down and attempted to write this several times, I realized how
personal my hijab story actually is, because no amount of words can truly do
justice to the experience.
represents a woman’s submission to her Creator and her connection with the
faith. Allah SWT says “O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the women
of the believers to bring down over themselves (part) of their outer garment.
That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is
Allah forgiving and merciful”.
is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused,” thus stated in the
Quran. One of the functions of hijab is to protect women from abuse and harm,
which includes harassment and sexual abuse.
a twenty-three-year-old young lady, about a year and half ago now, I decided I
would wear the hijab for good, and for Allah SWT’s sake. I later realized that
hijab, in fact, comes with responsibilities and modesty not just in dress, but
behavior too.
the beginning, when people asked me why I made the decision, I struggled to
find an answer because I didn’t know exactly why I decided at that particular
time, myself. It was something I knew I wanted to do since I was young, but I
kept pushing it off; saying maybe after getting married, but I was just
terrified how people would treat me.
time went on, I wore the hijab and it was modest and beautiful, Marshallah;
that I will inspire other girls to love to wear it someday, really kept me
moving; until a month back, when Satan clouded my vision.
knowing that a woman who wears hijab liberates herself from the vain and
selfish desire to show off her beauty, and to compete with other women around
move with friends who wear the hijab and others who don’t, but majority of
those I move with are non-hijabis. At some point, when we go out some will say
I look beautiful, while others will say the opposite; until when I was tempted
with their code of dress; to dress with wigs and skirts, and so on.
I move with them covered, I would feel left out or not looking beautiful,
because people would pay more attention to them than me, which makes me feel
bad and some of them will be like, “you are wasting with this entire scarf on
your head and the hotness” Subhanallah.
would always feel bad on the spot whenever they said such, but when we
disperse, I would always feel fine and would do all my hijab responsibilities.
as time went on and as they say, that the devil is powerful, I fell into
Satan’s trap and started wearing tight jeans and tops; not even a scarf but
turbans; thinking that I was on top of the world when I knew—deep inside—I was
not comfortable with all those stuff.
Later, I woke up one Saturday and called my
sister in the US and started telling her to get me dresses and skirts, because
I was taking off the veil. She was like, “what? Are you okay?” I had a push and
pull with her, because she said she was not going to get me anything; that I
have to continue with the veil, but I ignored her and hung up.
then I was having a little money with me, and I went straight to the market and
got new non-hijab stuff. I then started texting my friends, telling them that I
have finally taken off the hijab.
celebrated with me and others didn’t buy the idea, but I never minded them. I
went on with it thinking that it was the best; Subhanallah, may Allah forgive
few days after taking off the hijab, the regret continued and became stronger
each day and, as Satan controlled more, I started posting on social media. I
was still baffled though by my decision to remove it, as it was really hurting.
was strange and tears of fear would roll inside my eyes, but it was like
something was forcing me to go ahead. My imaan was scattered to pieces and I
was shocked eventually.
tried to console myself whenever the regret kicked in, telling myself that at
least I was a good person. I prayed, fasted and dressed modestly, but I always
knew in the back of my mind that I was disobeying Allah Subhanahu Waa Ta’aala.
second of everyday I felt that I was in for something bad, but my biggest fear
was and still is: dying without wearing the hijab.
fear kept growing, day in day out, until a close friend of mine, Zainab Faal,
who started wearing the hijab before me—started telling me to put it back on.
now it’s back on, and I was truly inspired because I couldn’t have done it
without Zainab. I am so happy for her, since she is still covered and modest,
and I know her as a very good Muslimah.
I am overwhelmed by her strength, proud of her
courage and jealous of her commitment and imaan, Marshallah. May Allah make her
even better than what others assume of her.
Rabil Allamin, I hope to continue increasing my imaan. I plan to keep it on;
hijab is my choice I make every day, every time. By Allah Subhanahu Waa
Ta’aala, I hope to make the right choice even for the rest of my life, and look
forward to reaping the benefits in the hereafter.
thanks to my dear friends who keep calling and texting me to return to my real
identity as a Muslimah; and my family members too.
love you all.