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Health Minister re-echoes support for Taiwan’s WHO bid

Apr 19, 2012, 2:05 PM

The Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Hon. Fatim Badjie, has said the country will continue to urge the World Health Organization (WHO) to accept Taiwan as a member and will repeat the call every year until it is answered.

Speaking at the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital in Banjul recently, Minister Badjie told the media that The Gambia will continue to support Taiwan’s bid to join the organization.

She praised Taiwan’s medical aid, stressing that the medical assistance from Taiwan “is very important to The Gambia”.

She cited the ROC’s donation of a computed tomography system and a nuclear magnetic resonance system as having marked important milestones in The Gambia’s medical history.

“The modern equipment has benefited not only Gambian people, but also those from neighboring countries who travel to The Gambia for treatment,” Hon. Badjie said, while lauding the importance of the medical exchanges between the two nations, which started in 2007.

Such interactions have greatly helped The Gambia, the minister said, citing the free medical care services provided by a Taiwanese medical team in The Gambia last year.

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