pursuit of its strategic objective of being a leader in the transportation
industry within the sub-region and fostering collaboration with key partners,
Gambia Transport Service Company (GTSC) on Friday, 21 April, signed a
memorandum of understanding (MOU) with its Senegalese counterpart called Dakar
Dem Dick.
GTSC press release stated that the initiative had paved the way for both
companies to make regular exchange visits, form strategic alliance on key
projects, share experience on best practices and provide the opportunity to
foster professional relationship.
strong four-man Senegalese delegation was led by Mr Alhagie Sarr Faal, deputy
Managing Director of Dakar Dem Dikk - Dakar’s largest transportation company.
delegates made a courtesy call on the Minister of Transport, Works and
Infrastructure, on the managing Directors of Gambia Ports Authority and
subsequently on GTSC board Chairman Muhammad Majang.
Managing Director Habib Drammeh thanked the delegation for their brotherly
visit and opined that the two institutions share a lot in common and could gain
mutual benefits by staff exchange programs, knowledge management and technology
said: “The MoU offers reciprocal benefits for our organizations and we wish to
assist Dakar Dem Dikk set up electronic ticketing system (ETM) among others.”
electronic ticketing machine currently allows GTSC’s management to access live
data on ticket sold, bus location and revenue generation even before the
vehicles arrive at the depot as the system transmit data seamlessly from an
electronic hand held ticketing machine directly into the company’s main server
for immediate access and analysis.
Alhagie Sarr Faal highlighted that through such strategic partnership and
collaboration, expertise of both companies could be shared for the benefit of
all stakeholders.
said: “Both Dakar Dem Dikk and GTSC order vehicles from the same manufacturer,
so a swap arrangement with regard to spare parts would expedite GTSC’s
maintenance process.”
Gambia Transport Service Company is dedicated to meeting and exceeding
customers’ needs and expectations by providing affordable and reliable
transport for people travelling across the length and breadth of the country -
from Banjul to Basse and Barra to Laminkoto,” the press release stated.
has been a yearly increase in fleet size with the ordering of new vehicles each
and every year since its inception. The company continues to expand services
within the sub-region.”
the past few months, for instance, the institution has launched two
international services – to Koundara in Guinea Conakry and Guinea Bissau on
weekly basis.
is believed that the MoU agreement will also pave the way for the company to
enter the Senegalese market - a service many of its customers aspire to see