The D3.5 million project is funded by the EU and SOS Children’s Village the United Kingdom. It is implemented by SOS Children’s Village The Gambia, ChildFund The Gambia and BAFROW in the five communities of Foni Jarrol District: Kalagi, Sintet, Jarrol, Kampassa and Kan Mamadou.
The Saturday event in Foni Kalagi was part of International Women’s Day celebration, which focused on accelerating gender parity
The EU diplomat pointed out that social, economic and political empowerment of women is essential to achieving overall economic growth, poverty reduction, and sustainable peace and security in the world.
Mr Lajos said that in The Gambia, EU provides more than 800,000 euro about D40 million to improve women’s rights through three projects implemented by civil society organisations.
Also, the WEC project is funded by the EU to the tune of 200,000 euros, approximately D10 million.
It is co-financed by SOS Children’s Village UK and implemented by SOS Children’s Village The Gambia in partnership with ChildFund The Gambia and BAFROW.
Kutubo Sanyang, chief of Foni Jarrol District, said the people of the district are delighted with partners like the EU, SOS and BAFROW for “the giant steps” to help improve the livelihood of rural women.
“Everyone in my district will pledge to take a concrete step to help women to achieve gender parity more quickly,” the chief said. “Starting from today, each and every one of us should pledge to move from talk to purposeful action and join forces to help women’s advancement.”
Mariama Ginally, WEC project beneficiary, in a solidarity statement, said Gambian women are proud to handle important positions.
The event was enlivened by theatre performance by drama groups from the five communities of Foni Jarrol as well as the Gambia scout band.