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GCCI president praises NFTR for steadfastness in complimenting gov’t effort

Jan 6, 2020, 3:45 PM | Article By: Fatou B Cham

President of Gambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and one of the ten top Gambian businessmen have praised the Network of Financial and Tax Reporters (NFTR) Gambia chapter, for its steadfastness in its crusade in sensitising and educating the public on the essence of taxation.

Edi Mass Jobe also said the formation of the Network is a worthy cause and should be embraced by all, particularly financial institutions and tax authorities in its drive toward complimenting government efforts, through the use of their medium.

According to Mr. Jobe, taxation is important and The Gambia has a tax-based economy, saying the coming of the Network to educate the public on the benefits of paying tax is something that Gambia should cherish and encourage.

“We, as business people should take the lead in supporting and encouraging this Network by providing them with the necessary information to disseminate to the grassroots. We also need to support them with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to effectively function.”

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