#Article (Archive)

Four Senegambia Beach Hotel staff arraigned

May 9, 2014, 10:38 AM | Article By: Dawda Faye

Joseph Jarju, Karamo Jawneh, Alagie Cham and Ebrima Janneh, staff of Senegambia Beach Hotel, were arraigned yesterday before Magistrate Isatou Janneh of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court and charged on two counts of conspiracy and stealing by clerks or servants.

They denied the allegations.

The particulars of offence on count one stated that the accused on 9 April 2014, at the Senegambia Beach Hotel, in the Kanifing Municipality, conspired among themselves to commit a felony to wit stealing.

Count two indicated that on the same date, year and place, being employees of Senegambia Beach Hotel and by virtue of this employment, the accused persons jointly stole 500 bottles of beer belonging to Senegambia Beach Hotel.

Cadet Inspector Ceesay, who was representing the IGP along with Sergeant Kinteh, applied for an adjournment to call their witnesses.

She told the court they were not opposing to bail to be granted to the accused persons.

Magistrate Isatou Janneh then granted the accused persons bail of D50,000 each with one Gambian surety who should swear to an affidavit of means and to deposit his or her ID card.

The case was adjourned till 15 May 2014, for hearing. 

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