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Fertilizer Donated by Taiwan is Timely

Jun 22, 2009, 9:37 AM

The recent donation of 1260 metric tons of fertilizer by the government of Taiwan is indeed very timely.

It comes at the time when farmers in the country are preparing ahead of yet another farming season.

Fertilizer is no doubt a major ingredient for crops.

Many of our lands have been under cultivation for many years and as a result the land looses fertility thus requires fertilizer in order for it to yield more produce.

According to Bakary Trawalley, Permanent Secretary for Agriculture, the fertilizer will be given to farmers at an affordable price. This is great as it will encourage farmers to increase their productivity. We once again commended the Ministry of agriculture and the government of Taiwan for this timely intervention.

The initiative will in no small measure complement government's efforts in attaining food self-sufficiency.

We therefore urge farmers to work closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Taiwan Technical Mission task force and work hard to make the best use of the support provided.

Only by doing so, farmers will be able to have a good harvest allowing part of it saved for buying rice seed and fertilizer for the next planting season.

The Gambia rice expansion initiative been under taken by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Taiwan Technical Mission is laudable.

The project is designed to bring development to the door step of all Gambians, particularly those in the rural areas.

We urge all Gambians to respond to the president's back to the land call for the country to feed herself.

For the government of Taiwan, we say big thank you for your enormous contribution to the socio-economic development of the Gambia. You are indeed a true and sincere partner of ours.

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