The family and friends of Oumie Jallow from Tallinding are seeking help from the public, donors, philanthropists, NGO's and the government to help pay for medical treatment. Oumie Jallow has been diagnosed with lung cancer. A medical Report from the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH), seen by The Point and dated April 2nd 2008, states that at that time the patient had been on the female ward for two months receiving treatment.
It states that the patient had a positive history of contact with a TB patient and was put on a trial for TB treatment which was abandoned after no clinical improvement was seen in the three months of treatment. The family and friends of Oumie Jallow can be contacted on the following numbers. Ebrima Touray; 6540800, Jabou Jabbi; 4395881 and Tapha Saye; 9936564