Fajara Skills Development Centre, which started operation in October 1999 and situated on 5 Atlantic Boulevard in Fajara, last Saturday held a graduation ceremony on its campus for 66 students on different disciplines.
The guest speaker at the ceremony, Cindy Gregg, Deputy Chief of Mission at the US embassy, advised the out-going students to choose people who would serve as their role models in leading their lives to success.
She commended the graduates for the long journey they have gone through, whilst urging them to take good care of themselves as they are about to start another life.
“Respect your country and even if you acquire knowledge outside your country, come back and utilise it in your own country to show your love for your brothers and sisters,” she said.
The proprietress of the centre, Jean Able-Thomas, said the occasion was a fusion of collaborative efforts from different organisations and institutions such as Gamjobs, the National Training Authority, the Banesto Foundation, Asset, the US embassy in Banjul, Go for Africa, and Heartbeat of Norway.
She said her institution caters for the well-being of the individual by imparting cognitive and manual skills in the students.
Discipline is paramount in grooming students to become confident citizens in their own way, Madam Thomas says.
“Learning does not end within the four walls of the classroom; it is the vast experience [of the world] that has taken place as part of life or has been organised as part of a programme,” she said, adding that so far, the out-going students are exposed to social entrepreneurship, which brings out the creativity in them.
Mrs Thomas also says they encourage their students to work hard and be focused. They also teach them to realize that education does not come easy and success only comes from hard-earned work on an individual basis, she notes.
“Constant practice always breeds perfection and mastery in any given task,” she said, while praising the staff of the centre for their hard work and dedication.
Mrs Jean from Canada delivered the Pep talk at the occasion while the students performed a drama on the topic “Internet lover” and the gathering was entertained by the Chief Cornerstone Dance group.
The ceremony ended with the presentation of certificates by members of the high table.