Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) announced it is extending the deadline
of public consultation period to Tuesday, 31st December, 2019. This decision
comes in the wake of numerous requests it has received to extend the period of
public consultation on the Draft Constitution.
wishing to make written contributions to the CRC are encouraged to do so no
later than 2:00 p.m. on the stated deadline. No further written contributions
will be received beyond the stated deadline,” the Commission says in a press
Constitutional Review Commission wishes to thank all those persons who have
demonstrated keen interest in the Draft Constitution of the Republic of The
Gambia by either attending and participating in the CRC’s direct face-to-face
public consultations around the country or submitting written contributions.
The CRC is equally grateful to those persons who have arranged and/or
participated in other forms of public discussion to create awareness regarding
the provisions of the Draft Constitution. The CRC also recognises the
expressions of support for the Draft Constitution from the general public. In
addition, the CRC is enormously grateful to the media houses and their
practitioners for keeping the spirit of the Media-CRC partnership active and
true to form.”
CRC assures the general public that the opinions received will be properly
reviewed and factored, as appropriate, in finalising the Draft Constitution.”