#Article (Archive)


Feb 27, 2009, 3:34 AM

We extend our sincerest congratulations to Mrs. Kumba Conateh Nam who has registered the highest performance amongst all the Taiwan International Cooperation Development Fund (ICDF) scholarship recipients. She truly is an example to all Gambians young and old and a clear beacon of the potential we have to develop as a nation if we are given the opportunity.

In recognition of her brilliant performance, the ambassador of the Republic of China on Taiwan, His Excellency Richard Shih, yesterday awarded Madam Conateh a certificate of excellence.

Speaking at a ceremony held at his office in Kanifing, Ambassador Shih described Mrs. Conateh's performance as unprecedented, and thus deserving of recognition. These are very apt words. Mrs. Conteh's performance should be praised by all of us and held up as an example to emulate for all Gambian children.

Her achievement underlines the need for us to do all we can to speed up the process of bringing the highest quality education to all Gambian young people.

Ambassador Shih said he has confidence in Gambians and thus encouraged them to apply for ICDF scholarship as the application process is currently underway. We do the same so that once again we can be represented by intelligent vibrant young people who will fly the flag of The Gambia high in Taiwan.

We warmly congratulate Mrs. Kumba Conateh Nam and wish her the very best in her future career. Of course a woman of such intelligence and potential will not need luck!

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