In this book, the author traces Condi's childhood in
The book dwells a lot on the early influences on Condi's life, especially her parents who instilled in her the value of hard work and self-confidence. John and Angelena Rice took great care to nurture their daughter so that she would grow up to compete successfully in life. "Because Condi could read fluently by age five, Angelena wanted to start her in school that year. The principal of the local black elementary school said that she was too young. So Angelena took a leave of absence from Fairfield High for one year and stayed at home to homeschool Condi - it just didn't make sense that her perfectly capable child should be forced to waste a year of learning. Down the road, Condi was so advanced that she skipped the first and seventh grades." (Page 39).
It was also her mother, a pianist and organist, who fashioned Condoleeza from the Italian term con dolcezza, which in a score of music instructs the performer to play "with sweetness".
And Condi attributes her success in life to her parents' excellent nurturing. "My parents were very strategic. I was going to be so well prepared, and I was going to do all of these things that were revered in white society so well that I would be armored somehow from racism. I would be able to confront white society on its own terms." (Page. 43)
She did just later in life at the
It is clear from the book that Condi got to the top by dint of hard work, perseverance and uncommon discipline.
This is a book that anybody born and bred in difficult circumstance can always turn to for inspiration and solace.
It is highly recommended by The Point.
You can pick up a copy at Timbooktoo Bookshop.
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A most reassuring development
Jan 6, 2011, 11:53 AM