was nightlong news when footage of a capsized boat in Nouadibbou, Mauritania,
carrying Gambian ‘backway’ migrants on their way to Spain went viral on social
media in the evening of Wednesday, 4 December, 2019.
was unbelievable when the news was received as the point of departure was more
or less a secret and an unknown point to many people especially some intended
and would be migrants in the Kombos, thinking the desert is still the ultimate
route to go on ‘backway’ journey.
the incident from day of departure to the end is Mamoud Faal, native of Barra
who is one of the survivors and member of the December 4th 2019 (D4.19)
Association of Survivors and Victim Families.
an interview with this medium, Mamoud Faal disclosed that the capsized boat
carried 195 passengers and was the fourth boat to go from the departure point,
around Fort Bullen area in-between Barra and Jinack Island, on backway direct
from The Gambia to Spain in late November 2019.
history of their sailing to Mediterranean Sea before the boat capsized, he said
their boat was in Spanish territory for three hours, from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m.
without knowing that they were already in Europe.
to him, they started roaming until they found themselves back in Nouadibbou,
Mauritania, where they capsized. Though their boat did not hit anything, he
said that the boat capsized when they finally decided to berth the boat as
everything; fuel, food, and water was virtually finished.
we threw the anchor into the water, our boats swerved and turned upside down
and covered us inside the water.”
He claimed that all videos that went viral on
social media about the capsizing of their boat were all false as there was no
one there to take any footage when the incident happened.
was on Wednesday, 4 December, 2019, morning, a sorrowful day that I will never
forget in life. We all decided to berth; come whatever might be because there
was not enough fuel to continue with the journey.”
straighten the record, the wrong circulated footage and story by social media
was false. First our boat didn’t capsize on motion and there was no one present
at the time to take any footage or photograph; because when it happened, we all
drown with our mobile phones and nobody remembered mobile phone less of taking
photographs and footage. All circulated footages were fake and not from the
scene,” Faal disclosed in his narration.
added that “when we finally decided to berth, we saw two fishing boats and we
approached them and asked where we were and they said this is Nouadibbou in
Mauritania. We told them that we were on our way to Spain but lost at sea but
wanted to berth. They agreed to direct
us. So when we wanted to berth the boat we threw down the anchor and as we did;
the boat swerved and capsized and we all went down the water (sea) while the
boat covered us.”
account of the passenger on board the boat he said, they were 195 passengers
–migrants in the boat, 13 women, 11 missing, two survived, 83 men left with two
women, totaling 85 with a 2-year old baby. Meaning we lost 110 in the
Mediterranean Sea, but 58 bodies were found and second day six bodies were
found, too.