In his defence, the Caliph General Muhideen Hydara said he lives at Darsilameh Sangajor and is the Caliph of Darsilameh Sangajor village.
He has been the Caliph for almost five years, he said, adding that there was an imam by the name Malaine Hydara, who passed away at the end of Ramadan last year.
He added that Malaine was the imam for more than ten years.
He also said he knew the second accused, Buyeh Touray, who had been the Alkalo of Darsilameh for more than eight years, adding that he later heard that Buyeh was removed as the village alkalo.
Meanwhile, the 2nd accused, Buyeh Touray, who earlier testified in defence, was cross-examined by the police prosecutor, Chief Inspector Camara.
Camara asked whether he would agree that he prayed on Tuesday 29 January 2014, and Touray answered in the affirmative.
“Is it correct that the badge messenger delivered the massage that you should not pray on Tuesday but rather on Monday?”
“We did not receive the message that we should pray on Monday,” answered the witness.
“So what massage did you receive from the badge messenger?”
“The badge messenger said the chief said let him go to the imam to inform him that let there be no prayers on Tuesday,” the village alkalo replied.
“Did he tell the reason why you should not pray on Tuesday?”
“Yes, that the government said so,” the witness responded.
“And you prayed on Tuesday?”
“Yes, that’s the date we prayed,” replied the witness.
The case was adjourned to 16 and 17 March 2015, for the Caliph to continue giving evidence in his defence.
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