The Stella Maris Parish of Bakau on Sunday confirmed several candidates making them Christians and soldiers of Christ at the Holy Family Church by the Bishop of Banjul.
Bishop Robert P. Ellison CSSp, Bishop of Banjul recently confirmed 19 candidates of the parish. In continuation of the golden jubilee of the parish, many Christians gathered to celebrate the confirmation of their children.
The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Robert Ellison CSSp and concelebrated by Fr. Peter Jammeh CSSp and Fr. Louis T. Mendy CSSp, the parish priest of Stella Maris Parish.
Bishop drew the congregation's attention to the feast of the day "Pentecost" that the apostles gathered had together to do what Jesus expected of them, he said.
Pentecost is the time when the Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles in the Upper Room. There they received the gifts promised by God Himself. They started speaking in tongues and speaking all languages to the amazement of the lot. Some said they were Persians, others thought they were drunk and frustrated by the death of their master, Jesus. This man Jesus was with them to the end of time.
They are expected to get involved in one of the Church organizations and be active as ever.
The candidates gave gifts to Bishop Ellison CSSp and Frs. Peter Jammeh and Louis T. Mendy CSSp.
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