#Article (Archive)

Batch Conteh, Gambian Kora Artist

Feb 20, 2009, 7:39 AM | Article By: Alieu Jabang

Kora is an African musical instrument enjoyed by many in Africa and even abroad. As a result, many people have learned how to play this instrument, but Batch Conteh seems to be born with this talent.

Speaking recently in an interview with this reporter at JamesIsland, Juffureh Albreda, The Gambian experience Kora artist, was born with this talent as he can play the instrument without anyone guiding him. He said most of the time he plays the Kora during ceremonies and also to entertain our tourists whenever they visit Juffureh. People in the musical scene should be encouraged and support in doing their work. Batch Conteh therefore urged all the youth of the country to unite for a better Gambia and build a better music industry.