Banjul Sports Committee is on the verge of organising a three-day basic coaching course for Naweetan coaches, information reaching Pointsport desk can confirm.
The course, slated for 19 through 21 August 2011, is designed to build the capacity of local coaches on the basic techniques of coaching.
The full text of the press release signed by Ebou Faye, Secretary General of Banjul Sports Committee, is as follows:
Banjul Sports Committee informs the general public that it will be organising a basic skills and knowledge of the fundamentals of coaching course for Naweetan Coaches.
The three-day coaching course is scheduled to take place between 19 – 21st August 2011.
In this vein, we are kindly informing your team to send in One Coach and Administrator to attend this important course.
This is compulsory to all teams as failure to do so will result in the team missing or failing to build the capacity of their staff to address basic mistakes that affect teams during the Nawetaan.
The course will also be used to promote the ideals and relevance of the Gambia Football Coaches Association and will urge the Banjul coaches to aspire to be members of the Association.
You are to bring along training kits for the practical course.
Please attend on time and looking forward to your participation.