The women convention was followed by a day convention by devoted children (waqfe-Nau) with and overall attendance of over 700 participant from across the country.
Amir Baba Trawally, in his closing remarks, said that Lajna should reflect on their achievements and increase their efforts as they would soon celebrate their 10th Annual National Ijtema in 2015.
He continued to urge the women to improve on the training of their children as it is one of their greatest responsibilities, adding that the (convention) Ijtema is purposely meant for moral and spiritual reformation and the establishment of mutual friendships.
He further mentioned that women should inculcate in their children love and obedience of Allah Almighty, the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (SAW), Hadhrat Masih Mau-ood, the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (AS) and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ATBA).
They should be trained and prepared to spend their lives in accordance with the teachings of Islam, which means to achieve this end should be thought and put into action, he added.
Amir Sahib also mentioned that Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V (ATBA) elaborated that parents must show righteous examples to their children because children learn from their environment.
"Since women (Lajna) are the torchbearer of training (Tarbiyat) follow the instructions of the Khulafa to the best of your ability and continue conveying the message to your local Majalis. Let us show the highest level of obedience to the institution of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya and inculcate the same in our children; we must always emphasize that both in words and in actions," he said.
The Amir continued, "Another element that helps the process of self-reformation is the environment one is surrounded by the tendency among young children to follow the way of their elders.
The same phenomenon helps man learn from his parents their language and morals. If the parents are righteous, the children too, under the pious influence of their parents will be pious and righteous, he added.
However, if a child finds his parents quarrelsome or witnesses some other evils at home or in society, he or she too begins to adopt the same morals. The parents, therefore, need to vigilantly monitor their own behavior as well.
Nowadays, parents also need to make sure that their children make a positive use of television and the internet and should keep a close watch over them... The best time to inculcate good morals in children is at the tender age.
Children keenly observe their parents and unconsciously absorb their influence. A child tends to imitate his parents in everything good or bad.
Hence parents need to realize that if they are sincere in their quest for self-reformation and if they want their children and the next generation to adopt good morals, they will have to initiate the process of self-reformation from themselves.
A child kept in good company will eventually become righteous and vice versa. Parents therefore, have been assigned the responsibility of making their children steadfast in offering five daily prayer and adopt truthfulness.
Parents have also been entrusted with the task of setting an example for their children, so that they too follow the good example. May Allah the Almigty help us reform ourselves and our children... Ameen.
In his closing statement at the children convention, Amir Sahib, Baba F. Trawally dilated on the importance of obedience. He said, "We learned from a Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that it is binding on every Muslim to listen to and carry out the order issued by those in authority whether he likes it or not, except she it involves the violation of a commandment of Allah Almighty or His Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This Hadith lays down the fundamental principle and Islamic criteria of obedience.
The President of the Women's Organisation, Sister Musukebba Jarjou, welcomed everyone to the blessed gathering and extended her salaam and gratitude to all members present.
She expressed her delight that women in their large numbers are able to leave all worldly affairs to come together an seek Allah Almighty's blessing.
She emphasized that both women and girl's should be women and girls should be ready to serve Islam and urged ready to serve Islam and urged participants to sacrifice their wealth and time int he cause of Islam.
She added that the girls should be trained in the most modest way and they should be ready to face challenges in the future.
She also emphasized financial sacrifice, which she said should be the priority of all Muslims and that women and girls should also try and sacrifice their wealth as much as possible to gain more blessing and nearness to Allah the Almighty.
All Nasirat should emulate the teachings of their mothers and look onto them as role models.
Sister Mama Njie, first vice president, expressed delight in the turnout and prayed that may Allah continue to guide the participants in the path of righteousness.
She urged the women to improve on their moral upbringing, pointing out that responsibility of training is compulsory upon every parent, especially women.
She stressed on the importance of modesty and advised all women to pay attention to their dress code and serve as role models to other women.
Sister Kaddy Drammeh spoke on the topic: "Global Crisis and The Path to Peace."
She said, "Everywhere in the world, people are crying for peace. Wars have always been fought and are still being fought, but the dangers of the war that looms around the world are unimaginable because it would certainly be nuclear warfare," she stated, adding that these crises are due to the absence of justice in the relationship between individuals and among groups.
She emphasized that to established and maintain peace, double standard, hypocrisy, injury, intolerance and greed must be eliminated and justice, love and tolerance must be established.
"The example that we should follow is that of the founder of Islam, the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) and the instruction contained in the Holy Quran," she noted.
Sister Mariama Drammeh and Sister Fatoumatta Kinteh spoke on the topics: "proper public behaviour" and "women in Islam" respectively.
In the children section Sister Isha Adiamoh speaking on the topic: "the love the Holy Prophet Muhammed Mustafa (SAW) for children," stated that childhood is a very important and critical stage in every human life, and that a child should be treated and brought up in the best of manners.
She added: "It is the great love and affection of the Holy Prophet Muhammed Mustafa (SAW) that he laid down clear and complete instruction, guidance and proper examples as how children should be raised and dealt with.
Sister Fatoumatta Salamana Trawally delighted on the importance of modesty in Islam. She quoted Hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammed Mustafa (SAW) which states "modesty is a part of Iman" and explained that as a woman and girls they should cover up their bodies and when talking they should talk softly and show respect in their speech. The convention was punctuated with competition on recitation of the Holy Quran, impromptu speeches, salat demonstration and general islamic knowledge in addition to sports competition like three legged race, lemon spoon race, ballon blowing, tug of war and many others. Prizes were distributed to all participants.
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