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Ahmadiyya Muslim Youths holds 26th annual national conference

Jan 5, 2010, 2:45 PM

The Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya held its 26th annual national convention from Friday 25th to Sunday 27th December 2009 at Masroor Senior Secondary School in Old Yundum. Over 600 Ahmadi youths from all regions of The Gambia and Guinea Bissau attended the gathering.

In his speech, the then Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mr. Mam Mbanyick Njie expressed his impression in the moral discipline showcased by the Ahmadi youths. He said it was amazing to see young people reciting the Holy Qur'an.

This, he said, is a clear indication of the priority and importance the youths have attached to the moral training of their members. 

The then Youth and Sports Permanent Secretary said "the young people who are the assets of any nation must be engaged meaningfully so as to prevent them from being consumed by the ills of the contemporary society."

Forner P.S. Njie said he was equally pleased to know that the Ahmadiyya Youth Association is actively engaging its members in the acquisition of skills. Mr. Njie raised concern over the mode of dress of the younger generation and challenged parents, religious leaders and society as a whole to redouble their efforts in the moral disciplining of the young ones.

Addressing the audience, Maulana Baba F. Trawally, Amir (Head) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at The Gambia said that the youths of this generation find it very difficult to devote their time to the cause of the Almighty Allah.

"They are engrossed in so many activities that are of the least benefit to their moral and spiritual well-being. They are determined to waste hours on playing or watching games. Whenever the call is made in the cause of Allah, they are not ready to spare the least time," he said, adding that the Ahmadi youths should never show such attitudes.

"The Ahmadi youths should always reflect on the pledge that every Khadim youth takes which states that he will be ready to sacrifice his life, wealth, time and honour for the sake of his religion, country and nation. Any activity that is destructive to that objective is therefore forbidden to you," the Amir emphasised.

In his opening remarks, the National President of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Mr. Tahir Ahmad Touray, explained that "the objective of the Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya (the Ahmadiyya Youth Association) is to make the youth heed their real objective in life; to make them shun heedlessness to Allah's commandments which leads to a chaotic society; to inculcate in them the love of Allah and Hadrat Khataman Nabiyyeen Muhammad Mustafa (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and the spirit of serving Islam, ones country, mankind, and strive for their welfare."

Speaking on the topic The Role of Youths in Nation Building Mr. Fabakary Kalley observed that countries where youths are more agile and committed towards the acquisition of knowledge such countries prosper than others. 

"Islam has admonished all to seek knowledge, the significance of which is to be able to know Allah and how to worship Him," he concluded.

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