#Article (Archive)

A worthy cause indeed

Sep 16, 2010, 1:05 PM

The donation of two hundred thousand dalasis by one of our local banks to the country's education sector deserves commendation.

Officials of Bank PHB, a leading financial institution in The Gambia, Tuesday presented a cheque for D200,000 to the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, as part of its corporate social responsibility.

The gesture, known as the Educational Scholarship of Bank PHB, formed part of their contribution to the promotion of education in the country. This is no doubt a sign of how much the bank values the education of Gambian youth.

With such gestures, Bank PHB seeks to actively engage young people in the country to harness their potentials.

The bank has resolved to focus on the pro-active orientation of Gambian youth, who serve as the pivotal force for socio-economic change in the country.

Currently, there are some scholarship opportunities for the youth, such as the Presidents' Empowerment of Girls Education Project, and the Taiwan Embassy's annual scholarship package to the University of The Gambia. These and many others in the air are welcome, as their contribution to the education of our nation is immeasurable. Nations, it is said, will advance at the same pace as their education. So Bank PHB is encouraged to keep up the worthy cause, as their new project will complement the already existing initiatives.

To us, the Educational Scholarship of Bank PHB is a laudable initiative, and we commend the bank for the move, and encourage others in the private sector to follow their footsteps.

Investing in young people is a worthy cause, and gestures of this nature should be commended.

The future of any country lies in the hands of her citizens, and the more educated citizenry we have the better prospects for the country. A nation's greatest asset is its stock of educated citizens. So keep it up Bank PHB.