Kombo Meat Processing Factory is among the many factories that have the interest of women at heart. Such interests may be termed as the empowerment of women, the defending of their fundamental human rights and helping them to contribute their own quota in national development. Kombo Meat Processing Factory is in the heart of the Kanifing Industrial Estate where many factories burst with industrious life everyday. The factory which has been existing for years now, aims at easing work for people where the preservation of food is concerned.
Many people would think that such a hectic work can only be done by men and not women; but on the contrary, women are very much involved in such manly work. Many of such women are housewives, and unmarried women. One of these women is Matty Kanyi, and she is glad to share her own part of the story at work in her busy schedule. If you want to know more please read on:
She She She: what inspired you to choose such a work as career?
Matty: It's because I wanted to help myself and my family and also I see to it that being a drop out is better for me to engage myself into something that will at least help to change my life for better in future so that I can stand by myself and reduce the dependency on my elders.
She She She: What type of work do you normally do?
Matty: I used to clean the office, pack the meats after the process; I also work with the men at the factory in the process of different types of meats.
She She She: Can you tell us what you process here?
Matty: We processes sausage, beef farm, chicken harm, beef bugged, pork ECT.
She She She: What are some of the benefits you gain from this work?
Matty: I have gain a lot out of this work, because since I started it I am able to do so many things for myself, my parents, and the younger ones in my family.
She She She: As a young lady, single for that matter, why don't you be like other girls who prefer to wait for man to marry them and be responsible for every thing they might need in their life?
Matty: Well every one has a choice and an ambition, for me I think that is not a good choice and is not wise, because no one knows when to get a husband and don't know whether you will be lucky enough to marry to a right person, and also you can have a good and caring husband, but God forbid when you divorce with him, with no skills, no experience in how to over come difficulties, in that case you must turn to your family members for help.
She She She: What advise do you have for your fellow ladies?
Matty: The only advise I have for them is that let every woman who is jobless or unskilled try and put herself in to something useful, as the husbands can't address or do all our needs for us, so we should engage ourselves into something that can bring success to our families. There are lots of works, working at the office is not the only work that one can do, selling, doing skills and so many things can help one to earn a better living. We need to empower ourselves and families for the interest of our future, so I'm saying lets work hard as it's another way of reducing poverty.
She She She: Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Matty: The pleasure is mine.