Ceesay, a 16 month-old boy, needs overseas treatment according to a medical
certificate issued by the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital (RVTH) in Banjul .
According to the boy's father, Mr. Nema Ceesay, Ousman was born sick. Since that time he has been taken to the Medical Research Council (MRC) and admitted on three occasions. He was later referred to RVTH where he was admitted for five weeks.
Upon his discharge, it was confirmed that he was suffering from pneumonia and heart failure. The certificate further revealed that the boy has a systolic murmur and that the LSE had picked out a dilated left atrium and ventricle which needs surgical treatment. The required procedure is only available overseas.
Ousman's parents are now seeking assistance from Government, NGO's and individuals to help the boy get the life-saving treatment. The father (Nema Ceesay) can be contacted on 7021553.