Having undergone recent treatment in
According to a medical report issued by the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital in
The report added: “It is increasing in size and associated with pain and discomfort in sitting down. Initially, it was thought to be an abscess, but later found to be a tumour after operation.”
Upon physical examination, the report stated that: “the young looking boy, anxious-looking with a gluten tumour measuring 30* 20* 10cm is deformed.
“Investigation: CT scan - a soft tissue mass is revealed in the posterior aspect of the sacrum which measures 13.9* 12.4cm, with mainly hypodense content (13 to uuH). No vertebral canal bone defect conclusion soft-tissue cyst.
“Ultrasound left gluteal: Huge in homogenous mass is involving left gluteal region.
“Inflammed benign mesenchymal tumour sacrococcygeal tetratoma and neurofibroma are also possible diagnosis. The total removal of tumour was advised.”
Anyone willing to help Muhammed Hydara can contact his father, Malanding Hydara, on 6215266.
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