Sowe, a 10-year-old boy of Farato village, is in need of support to undergo
overseas treatment after being diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease at the
Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital.
was first seen at the out-patient department with a constellation of symptom
and signs suggestive of acute rheumatic fever for which he was admitted for six
days and managed accordingly.
medical report further stated that on subsequent review two months later
following discharge, he was however found to be manifesting symptoms of easy
fatigability, orthopnoea and dysgnm on excertion with a hyperactive precordium
and pansystolic.
echocardiography done did reveal moderate mitral and aortic regurgitation, with
moderate dilatation of left heart chamber.
the diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease was made. He is currently complaining
of cough and, on direct questioning, there is an associated orthopnea, easy
fatigability and excertional dyspnea.
general examination, he is not acutely ill-looking, but is slightly pale
was then recommended to undergo overseas treatment.
any assistance please call 2005770.
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