#Biblical Reflection


Aug 31, 2022, 12:11 PM | Article By: Galandou Gorre-Ndiaye

Whenever God gives us a command, it is because He who created us knows, beyond any shadow of doubt, that we can perform or achieve what He has asked of us. It may require, in the first instance, our willingness and resolve, coupled with our conviction, to head down that road – once we have bought into the idea and are ready to put our hands to the plough. All it takes is our willingness to comply and before long, we are surprised at the giant steps we will make towards accomplishing that which initially seemed an uphill task.

Taking our cue from a child who begins to explore how to walk, we observe that the child is delighted by the experience, although he/she might fall several times in his/her bid to overcome this challenge. However, the child never gives up until the process is conquered.  What a great source of delight to have overcome that difficulty!

Unfortunately, with adults who have developed habits that they have taken great pleasure in, it seems quite an ordeal to wrench them from that entrenched practice; particularly if it has become an integral part of his/her way of life.

Many times, we find ourselves hiding under the cover of ‘I’m only human’ to justify our wrongdoing, rather than admit that the devil has had a hold on us. What is worst, we still make excuses even when knowingly, God’s words “I am the God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.” (Genesis 17:1) continually ring in our ears.

These words were addressed to Abraham whom God had chosen and assigned the great mission of multiplying humanity. Along the way, Abraham was being distracted by his spouse, Sarah – who in her barrenness, laboured desperately, through her personal effort, to change her story.

Both were oblivious to the fact that God had pronounced His blessings on them regarding the number of their offspring. God had said it would be ‘like the dust of the earth, and the stars in the sky’. Abraham and Sarah’s primary preoccupations were to pursue in the immediate term the realisation of this prophecy, rather than patiently await God’s timing.  

The author of the Book of Hebrews cautions: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by a such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith  ….” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Many would argue that as ‘free agents’, we can do as we please. That does not hold water! We were created for a purpose, which is to fulfil what God had ordained. There are over 7.4 billion people on planet earth and each one of us has a singular purpose to fulfil in God’s kingdom; totally different from anyone else’s. Each will have to render account of his or her stewardship for how we have run our lives.

What have we done with what God has given us? Who has benefitted from our God-given talents? Have they been used for the benefit of humanity? Have our missions and our purposes on planet earth been in line with God’s word? There are many questions we would have to provide answers to on the Day of Judgement. So, it is best we ‘apply our hearts to wisdom’ rather than live in denial.

God wants us to remain strong and run the race to the finish line. He desires us to overcome any domineering forces that are preventing us from obeying His Word. To this end, He has given us His Son “whom He has appointed heir over all things, and through whom He made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful hand.” (Hebrews 1:2-3) He is our example.

Flexible objects are much easier to mould and shape but much more difficult to adjust once they are set in their ways. Any attempt in this direction could result in some severe damage. This may be true of world standards, but with God, nothing is impossible for Him to accomplish.  The earlier we recognise that we are in the wrong lane, - the one that leads to self-destruction - the better it would be for us to surrender to His authority. God can turn our circumstances around for the better.

The Bible is full of instances where Jesus with one touch of His hand or with a rebuke intervened to set free from bondage those whom the devil had kept bound.  The victim is immediately set free. In the name of Jesus, that name above all other names, demons have no choice but to flee.

We serve a God who is perfect in all His ways, and who requires us to follow suit, so that none would miss heaven. Our God is a jealous God, to Him alone we owe allegiance. We cannot afford to have one foot here, one foot there.  That would be wavering. We must be steadfast in our faith. ‘Depart from evil and do good!

God’s standards are not overbearing. They are meant for our good. God cannot look at sin, but He has made room for a comeback through salvation - which is free for all who have had a change of heart.

We must strive harder, not to miss the mark, so that in the end we would hear; “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things … Come and share your master’s happiness!”   (Matthew 25:21)

The Lord says: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit.” (Zechariah 4:6)




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