As part of their efforts to promote peace, and youth empowerment and development in The Gambia, National Youth Council (NYS) has launched Youth Peace Security Situation Room and Online Radio.
The establishment of the situation room and online radio is supported by UNFPA The Gambia through its peacebuilding fund to provide young people with a platform to hold conversations and contribute towards the development and security of the country.
NYC has already appointed seven(7) monitors across the regions and a coordinator at the Secretariat.
These monitors will share information related to conflict within their respective regions and necessary actions will be taken through engaging the relevant stakeholders.
Musa Mbye, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Youth and Sports said the launch of the platforms are in line with the ministry of Youth and Sports policy development objective.
He said this will no doubt engender numerous development in upholding strongly their shared values and common objectives.
“Peace, security and stability is the foundation of any democracy and development in a society.
Therefore the launching of the Youth Peace Security Situation Room and Online Radio is indeed timely.
This cannot come at any other time other than now as we know we have security challenges within our communities, be it the homes schools and workplaces,” he said.
Kunle Adeniyi, UNFPA The Gambia, Country Representative noted that the setting up of the youth-led internet radio and peace and security early warning crisis centre is indeed timely, especially as the country approaches the electoral period.
He added that the radio will serve as a strong tool in amplifying the voices of young people in maintaining peace, social cohesion, positive messaging and building resilience against violence including hate speech.
“The early warning crisis centre through a network of monitors across the country will identify potential conflict triggers, disinformation and hate speech within hot spot areas and serve as an early warning mitigation mechanism,” he said.
Alagie Jarju, Executive Director, National Youth Council, said the situation room and youth online radio will serve as a one-stop centre for information and security alerts across the country.
“The reports gathered through the platform will help National Youth Council (NYC) and its development partners to document and prepare policy briefs and advisory services on youth relating to peace and security situations in the country,” he said.
Meanwhile, Program Manager of National Youth Council (NYC) Ismaila Badjie has advised the youth of Banjul to lead by example.
According to Badjie, Banjul is one big family and the residents must never allow politicians and politics to divide them.
Essaha Sowe the Chairman of Banjul Regional Youth Committee said that he is with the conviction that Banjul youth will maintain peace throughout.
Many participants including, women leaders all urged Banjulians to do away with politics of sentiments and insults, for them elections is part of democracy and shouldn’t be seen otherwise.
Basiru Jaye said that Peace is fundamental and it only takes a little thing to destabilise the country.
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