
GFF prexy presides over Ordinary General Assembly meeting of WAFU Zone A

Jul 30, 2024, 11:29 AM

The President of the Gambia Football Federation (GFF) Mr. Lamin Kaba Bajo on Thursday 25th July 2024 presided over the Ordinary General Assembly meeting of the West Africa Football Union (WAFU) Zone A held in Dakar, Senegal.

Bajo thanked the Senegalese Football Federation for hosting the 2024 AGM.

He highlighted the enormous efforts made by WAFU Zone A for the regular organisation of tournaments and other activities of the sub-regional bloc.

"WAFU Zone A is very active in the organisation of football through organising of competitions and training sessions to strengthen the capacity of officials thanks to the constant support of CAF and FIFA," Bajo said.

Bajo highlighted the developments and importance of women's football in the region.

He urged all Member Associations to participate in women's football as compared to their counterparts across Africa.

President of the Senegalese Football Federation and first vice President of CAF, Augustin Senghor, welcomed the numerous initiatives and programs undertaken under the leadership of Bajo and his Executive Director Mapathé Gaye.

Senghore added that the presence of the Secretary General of CAF and his delegation testifies that WAFU Zone A is indeed attached to CAF and is working on its programs as scheduled.

At the end of the General Assembly, delegates adopted the activity and financial reports unanimously.

The delegates drew up salient points of the activities, which will allow the Zonal Union to be more autonomous in the future by increasing the number of competitions.

The General Assembly was attended by CAF Secretary General Mr. Veron Mosego Omba, CAF Director of Member Associations Ms. Sarah Mukuna and Secretary General of Senegalese Sports Ministry Moussa Diagne and all Wafu Zone A committee members and delegates

The draw for the CAF Women’s Champions League Sierra Leone 2024 was conducted at the sidelines of the meeting.
